Sunday, April 6, 2008

Help Me Believe

I usually don't put posts like this on my blog, but for some reason I just felt like I needed to post this one. This past week or so has been difficult. I am learning to trust and lean on my Jesus like I never have before.

Last Tuesday was All Women's Breakaway. I look forward to this specific Breakaway every year, but for some reason I was debating on going. I had a softball game that was over 15 minutes before Breakaway started which would give me a perfect excuse (so I thought) not to go. As I debated whether or not I should go, I felt a tug in my heart that I needed to go. So somewhat grudgingly (and stinky!), I went. During worship, the Lord started dealing with my heart over some recurring issues and decisions that need to be made. I began praying over these things and trying to make sense of everything that was being brought to light. Then...just like God likes to do with me, He spoke to me through this song that Donna Stuart (the worship leader for the evening/wife to Breakaway director) wrote a few months back. It's called "Help Me Believe". Here are the lyrics...I wanted to put the song on here too, but I couldn't figure that one out.

All that I've done and all that's been done to me
Drove nails through Your hands hard and fast to the tree
and the lies that I live and the shame in my story
You covered with blood for Your name and Your glory, Lord

Jesus help me believe
Jesus help me receive
This girl You've created You have redeemed
Lord help me believe this Lord help me receive
This daughter You rescued
You have washed her clean

So I raise outstretched arms with my knees to the earth
and I bow low my heart for in You is my worth
and I SHOUT from this mountain great joy in my soul


And when I am tempted to believe something less
I run to Your Word... embracing forgiveness
Thank You for loving and thank You for healing me


I love the 2nd verse when it says, "I bow low my heart for in YOU is my worth" and "HALLEUJAH KING JESUS in YOU I am whole". Praise Him for those truths! Now my prayer is just like this song, "Jesus, help me believe/Jesus, help me receive" the truth...not the lies that are thrown at me!

Just thought I would share...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope you are having a wonderful day. I came across your blog accidentally as I was seeing if the new record "Help Me Believe" had been digitally distributed. I am so glad that the Lord met you this night that we worshiped together. It blesses my heart to know that someone else out there needs reminders at times not to believe the lies that are thrown at us. Be blessed today sweet sister. I appreciate your honesty in this blog.

peace & hope,