Monday, January 7, 2008

Chinese BBQ!

As I was looking through my facebook pics, I came across these pictures from our Chinese BBQ. I was bummed when I got home this summer and realized that I neglected to capture the moment. So, I am grateful to my teammates who didn't let me down....this was one of my most favorite nights!
Chinese BBQ is unlike any BBQ in the US. I must admit though, the food was pretty good. We had BBQ tofu, BBQ fish, spicy noodles, boiled peanuts, and spicy veggies. Even better than the food was the atmosphere. "Nanning Nights" are perfect to me...maybe not to anyone else, but to me, they are PERFECT! Usually a cool breeze...stars...less humidity than I am used to in Texas...what could be better than that?!? Leave it to the students to take you to the best spots...local places that tourists never venture into. Such a fun night!!
S, A, Ange, and me enjoying "Nanning Nights" and BBQ Tofu! YUM!

I'm not sure why, but BBQ Tofu was def. a hit amongst Team Nanning!

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