Saturday, January 5, 2008

I love Skype!

Skype has become one of my new favorite things in the world. I say this because it has opened up doors for me to talk to some of my students and friends in China. Last night, I called A and talked to her for about 10 minutes. The conversation wasn't long, but it was so good to hear her voice!
A and I became very close friends during Camp China 2006. I knew when I left that summer that our Dad had big plans for our friendship and that it would continue....our friendship has not only continued, but it has GROWN! We were both pretty emotional when I left the first summer because Dad had done so many things in both of our lives. As I boarded the train, A gave me a huge hug and said, "Don't worry Katie. It is only lots of Wahaha that separates us!" Wahaha is the brand of bottled water that we drank while in Nanning. If you look back there is a post about an interesting experience with Wahaha. That lighthearted comment made the distance from Nanning, China to Texas seem much smaller.

I was also blessed to be able to travel back to the same city and teach last summer (2007). I was so excited because I knew that A would be there. An unfortunate accident the first night I was in China left me with a broken arm and a short stay in China. I left after two weeks because of my arm. The news of having to leave early was a shock and I hardly had time to say my goodbyes. I wanted to video all of my kids so that I could hear their voices when I missed them, but I didn't have time to do it. Now with Skype, they are only a phone call away....and I love it!!
Here are a few pics of me with A in 2006 and 2007. She is my SISTER, and I love her so much!

A and I eating her new favorite snack...PEANUT BUTTER! (2006)

A and me hanging out after closing ceremonies of Camp China (2006)

First night in Nanning. We were so glad to see each other again! (2007)

Saying goodbye to my girls: A, Y, and C (2007)

A recent pic of A (in the pink hat) with some friends on a visit to Kun Ming (2008)

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