Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Summer Plans

I have been thinking a lot this week about my summer plans...or rather the lack thereof. It's weird (and hard) that I won't be going back to the place I love so much. Summer 2006 and 2007 were two of the best summers of my life. I felt so at home in China...like I really belonged there. My heart is in China, and it aches to go back. But even more than I want to be in China, I want to be where the Lord is leading me. Eventhough it would be easy to jump on a plane and head back, my heart knows that God has different plans for this summer. Do I know what those are? Nope. Am I anxious not knowing what this summer holds for me? Yep. But do I know and trust that my Jesus has it all under control? Most definitely!

My prayer and hope is that someone...even just one person will go to China in my place this summer. I pray that they will go with the mindset of showing Christ to a people who are dying to know HIM! Their hearts are ready...God is already at work.

The Lord put a sweet girl in my bible study this year who also has a heart for China. This is her summer to go...and I am so excited! I am praying that she will pick up where I left off (hopefully with the same kiddos!). What a blessing to be able to send her!!

I am not physically going to China this summer, but my heart is there! I wait anxiously for the day I get to return. The wait literally makes my heart ache...but I know that what God is doing is completely worth the wait. The simple fact that God isn't sending me to China this summer lets me rest in knowing that He has something DIFFERENT in store. Who knows what it is, but I sure am excited to find out!

1 comment:

2China4Ayla said...

What a special young lady you are. Thank you for posting on my blog that you are growing your hair out for Locks of Love. My daughter Hannah has donated twice before and is growing it out again for L.O.L. in honor of Ayla. I am grateful you are doing the same. even thought locks of love cannot help Ayla since her hairloss is short term it is a wonderful org. that helps so many.