Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Today began "the beginning of the end". I don't like to refer to it as that, but there just doesn't seem to be any other way to say it. The semester is coming to a close so quickly. I'm not exactly sure when it is over, but I do know that it is soon. Normally, I am excited about this time of year because it brings about a break from the ordinary. This time its different because at the end of the summer, I won't be returning to Aggieland. As this semester comes to a close, so does my time here in Aggieland....I'm excited about the change, but I am also sad that I have to leave. I decided today that I am going to make the most out of these last few weeks....savor every moment and enjoy every friendship.
"The Beginning of the End" started with our last bible study. When we started meeting back in September, I was completely unaware of all the blessings that it would bring. I began looking forward to 5pm on Sunday nights more than I ever have before. We opened the Word together...we fellowshiped together...we broke bread together...we prayed together. Does it get any better than that? Oh ya....we sure did laugh a lot too! I know that I walked away from this bible study with friendships and memories that will last for a long time! Each of these girls encouraged me and challenged me in my faith. I am going to miss them like crazy!

I love you girls! Thanks so much for the blessing that you have been this year!

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