Sunday, June 8, 2008

VBS starts tomorrow!

VBS has always been one of my favorite parts of the summer. This summer is no different. All of the hard work of decorating pays off when I see the kiddos learning truths from God's Word. I've helped in many different ways throughout the years (every year since 7th grade). This year I will be teaching the music class. I love music because I get to be around all of the kids instead of being with one specific age group.

This year at VBS holds a new experience for me that could be good or very, very bad! Each year there is a competition between the girls and the guys. I am representing the girls this year. What's the prize, you ask?!? If the girls win, I don't have to swallow a live fish. But if the girls lose, I'll be SWALLOWING A LIVE FISH on Friday afternoon....SICK!! Oh the things I will do for the kiddos at church. I'm hoping....and PRAYING that the girls win our friendly competition!!

It's gonna be a great week at Outrigger Island learning about God's unshakeable Truth!

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