Saturday, April 21, 2007

Softly call the Muster....

Texas A&M is known for it's traditions; the traditions are what sets A&M apart from other universities. Today, April 21, happens to be the day that my favorite Aggie tradition takes place...Aggie Muster. Muster started MANY years ago as a way to get together with your college friends and remember your days at A&M. Part of remembering your college days is remembering the friends you had at A&M who have passed away since the last Aggie Muster. Aggie Muster ceremonies are held all over the world. Infact, "If there is an Aggie within one-hundred miles of you, you are expected to get together, eat a little, and live over the days you spent at the A&M College of Texas". My favorite part of the Muster ceremony is "The Roll Call of the Absent". The names of all the Aggies who have passed away since April 21, 2006 are read. As each Aggie's name is read, a friend or family member answers "Here!" for them and a candle is lit in their memory. Check out more about AGGIE MUSTER! It's such a great tradition.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

interesting stuff I could use for the future..or not, haha just intresting!! stuff I didn't know.