Monday, October 15, 2007

China Slideshow!

I finally finished....well, actually I finally had time to sit down and work on a slideshow. I had Monday off from work, and so I decided to put this slideshow together so that you could have a better idea of what my summer was like. Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement throughout this difficult summer. I never imagined that my summer would turn out the way that it did. Eventhough it wasn't under the ideal circumstances, I had a blast in China for the two weeks I was teaching in Nanning. I also had a blast in Hong Kong for a week, but I really don't have many pictures of that. Enjoy the slideshow. I hope that, if nothing else, it gives you a glimpse of why I love these people and China so much. Please feel free to leave comments. I love to hear what you think. Have an amazing day!

I tried several times to upload the video to my blog, but blogger wasn't working. So I am

putting a link on here to the slideshow. Here it is...ENJOY!!

(The quality of the pictures is much better if you click on the down arrow at the bottom of the video and change the view to "original view". It makes the pictures smaller, but they are better quality.)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

So I've Been Thinking...

It has been a while since I have updated this blog. Thanks to all of you who continue to check back to see if I have updated. Life has gotten a little crazy, and I am having a hard time finding time to post.
What I have been thinking about is taking a different approach to my blog. I will still post about China, but I also want to use this blog to keep people updated on everything else that is going on as well. Continue to check back for China stories and pictures (I will do better about posting), and you will also see other postings that don't have to do with China. For now I have decided to keep the name of the blog and everything else the same.
Thanks for reading!!!


As part of the Camp China program, the "Foreign Teachers" would put on Culture Nights for the students as a fun way to teach them about American culture. Culture Nights were usually a favorite part of the Camp for many of the students. This Culture Night was the carnival/circus.

We had many guest appearances including "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World", monkeys and a monkey trainer, Strong Man, and clowns. And what carnival/circus is complete without games and dancing? carnival is complete without games! The students loved the water balloon games and the three-legged race. "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World" also introduced the Chinese students to the Conga Dance. It was pretty amazing to see that many chinese kids dancing around in the courtyard.

Good times were shared by all and laughing could be heard echoing in the courtyard! Good times....great memories!